Whats so special about this blog? What will I be reading?

Hello dear readers! I am your author and chef ,Zubair. Welcome to Baked to the Bone!. Before you read this post I recommend you click that menu option at the top of the page that says “About me” so you get a little bit of background knowledge.

Moving back on topic, This is both a food and personal blog, mostly a food one 🙂 This blog will offer a variety of culinary tips, experiences, and recipes that I will be posting. Most of the time I will be publishing recipes but I will post recommended resources that I recommend for anyone with a interest in cooking. If your more of a baker and a sweets person, like me, this blog will be a safe haven for you since I will mostly be publishing posts that are based on desert making.

As for the categories at the top of the page, the recipes menu will be featuring a variety of recipes and pictures along with the recipe to insure you get to see how the dish is suppose to look after each step and a picture of the completed product.

The reviews and opinion menu will offer opinions on many brands and products that I will discuss as either a ‘fine investment’ or a ‘down pay” of course many of the supplies I will be able to provide a detailed and experienced description on since I will have them already purchased.

Lastly, the personnel experiences page is their to offer you, the readers, a story or two to read that I will occasionally type up about my past experiences with cooking to entertain and even humor you so you can get a bit more knowledge on who’s typing on the other side of the screen. I will even type up some past experiences of mine when I had first began cooking and how I burned, over salted, or messed up on any recipe. That’s right blueberry pie I am talking about you.

To be a great chef it’s always OK to mess up, your learning, though I don’t recommend it, it’s really the passion and determination that makes you a great cook. So sit back and relax and enjoy this site while your on it. New posts made every Wednesdays and Fridays, I’ll make sure to add recommended websites and sources at the end of some of the articles.

If you are a healthy eater or a dieter, leave this website right now or stay to bear it, sugar, calories, deserts, and sweets are key factors! You’ve been warned.

inspiration picture from : http://theseasonedchef.com/cooking-class/successful-mile-high-baking-3/
inspirational picture from : http://theseasonedchef.com/cooking-class/successful-mile-high-baking-3/

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